Sunday, August 6, 2017

August 1 - Henderson, KY to Owensboro, KY


First of all I can't believe it's August 1st already. We have just a little over 3 weeks left and time has really flown this summer.  Before we know it, we will be in Yorktown, Virginia.

Today we started out from Henderson, Kentucky with a little assistance from Megan's uncle, Danny, who transported our bicycles a few miles down the road so we could avoid some very busy traffic.  Thanks Danny!  We were also lucky enough to have Danny join us for the ride to Owensboro.

Today's ride had almost perfect riding conditions the whole way:  virtually no traffic (so we just didn't care about the shoulders), low temperatures, cloudy skies, and almost no hills.  We only had a few small bumps in the road, that hoped someday to grow up to be hills, the whole way.  Once again we were able to enjoy the scenery and the animals, although I admit that much of the scenery was cornfields and soybean fields.  We also saw a few tobacco plants and watermelon.

Megan and her mother, Pat, met us in Reed for a roadside rest break in the shade of a tree at a local church. While Reed is formally on the map, it is really more an intersection than a city or even a town.  We enjoyed all sorts of fresh fruit, cold drinks, and cookies.

Owensboro seems to be a quiet town on the Ohio River. Our hotel has a large patio/ walking area that overlooks the Ohio River. Megan and Pat provided lunch that we enjoyed on the patio. After lunch we all showered, and Eric, Megan, and Pat went to visit an apple orchard.

Now I'm waiting for laundry to dry while simultaneously doing the blog. Writing the blog is a good use of time while waiting for laundry to dry.

Tomorrow we have around a 42 to 55 mile drive to Rough River Dam State Park.  I need to research how to get there since we are off the Adventure Cycling Association map.

Today has been another great day, and we certainly wouldn't mind if we could have more days with hills, temperature, and clouds just like today.

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